This is early beta for now! Can't handle all templates properly


Vastaanotettu Hilmaan2020-05-13
Ilmoituksen numero2020-046457
TED numero2020/S 095-227343
OstajaorganisaatioTampere University Foundation sr (2844561-8 )
Kalevantie 4
FI-33014 Tampereen yliopisto
Hankinnan otsikkotiedotAgency Service of Non-Finnish Literature
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio800 000 EUR
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus
Originaali JSON tietue46457.json


Hankinnan lyhyt kuvausThe object of acquisition is the agency service of non-Finnish literature as order and delivery process to the delivery addresses named by the customer. The agency service contains the orders made by customer via the supplier’s electronic ordering system and the products delivered to the delivery addresses appointed by the customer. The mandatory requirements of the acquisition are listed in the tendering documents. The contract period is at maximum four (4) years: 2 years + 1 + 1 (option years). The buyer chooses one supplier with which it makes an agreement. The amount of purchases mentioned in the invitation to tender are estimates and the agreement does not constitute a purchase obligation for the buyer.
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) pääRecreational, cultural and sporting services (92000000)
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muut
Pääasiallinen suorituspaikkaTampere