This is early beta for now! Can't handle all templates properly


Vastaanotettu Hilmaan2019-12-31
Ilmoituksen numero2019-010738
TED numero
OstajaorganisaatioNatural Resources Institute Finland (FI02446292 )
P.O. Box 2 (Latokartanonkaari 9)
FI-00791 Helsinki
Hankinnan otsikkotiedotITT Xenon and Water purification
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus
Originaali JSON tietue22492.json


Hankinnan lyhyt kuvausLUKE invites tenders for the “Xenon lamp weather durability test chamber” and “Water purification system”. The Xenon lamp weather durability test instrument is intended for research purposes. The materials tested are typically biocomposites, wood, engineered wood products and other similar materials. The test specimens are typically laboratory made pieces of boards, beams, solid bars etc. manufactured in fairly small size. The instrument must be capable to operate together with the “Water purification system”. Please see the procurement documents for details.
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) pää
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muut