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Vastaanotettu Hilmaan | 2020-09-17 |
Ilmoituksen numero | 2020-054170 |
TED numero | 2020/S 184-443600 |
Ostajaorganisaatio | Geologian tutkimuskeskus (0244680-7 ) Vuorimiehentie 5 FI-02151 Espoo |
Hankinnan otsikkotiedot | Geophysical equipment for deep electromagnetic measurements |
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio | |
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen | |
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus | |
Originaali JSON tietue | 54170.json |
Hankinnan lyhyt kuvaus | GTK will buy geophysical equipment to be used in deep electromagnetic sounding for crustal studies, deep geothermal mineral studies and potential mapping using naturally occurring electromagnetic fields (magnetotellurics, abbrev. MT; audio-magnetotellurcis. Abbrev. AMT). Also, it must be possible to perform data collection in Controlled Source-AMT/MT experiments (the transmitter is not subject of this purchase). The data loggers should be ready for radio-magnetotelluric (abbrev. RMT) measurements, so that later acquired suitable sensors could be used with the same data loggers (RMT sensors are not subject of this purchase). The equipment should consist of: - 4 complete audio-magnetotelluric/magnetotelluric instruments recording at least 3 magnetic channels and 2 electric channels, including: o 3 magnetic field sensors (induction coil type) per instrument o 5 electric field sensors (non-polarizable electrodes) per instrument o all cables required to operate the instruments - 6 audio-magnetotelluric/magnetotelluric instruments recording at least 2 electric channels. o 5 electric field sensors (non-polarizable electrodes) per instrument o all cables required to operate the instruments Magnetic field sensors should be induction coils and must cover a wide frequency range (at least 0.001 Hz – 40 000 Hz or wider). All data loggers must permit data acquisition with sampling rates of at least 500 000 Hz and allow a flexible choice of sampling rates. Data acquisition must be automatic and GPS synchronized. Power consumption should be low. The equipment must be light-weight and portable, of ruggedized and water-proof instrument design and have a wide operating temperature range and have excellent noise characteristics. Software (including license) to operate the instruments as well as manual(s) for full operation of the system should be included in the offer. Availability of spare parts and possibility for repair service by the supplier is required. The delivery must be completed not later than 31.12.2020. The tenderer must take full responsibility for the full functionality of the delivered instruments. |
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) pää | Electromagnetic geophysical instruments (38230000) |
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muut | |
Aluekoodi | FI1 |