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", "", "This call for tenders concerns individual project. This service description falls under the category \u201cCapacity building services\u201d in the Dynamic Purchasing System (\u201cDPS\u201d) agreement.", " ", "The Dynamic Purchasing System will be valid until 7.6.2024, unless it is suspended earlier. Procurement Agreements shall be concluded before the end of Dynamic Purchasing System. Procurement Agreements may be valid two (2) years after the end of Dynamic Purchasing System.", "", "GTK expects the service provider to provide a complete team, one of being a team leader and 2 other team members. The team leader should be at the key expert level and others at expert level in the area within the scope.", "", "Duration of the work is estimated to be 8 person months and the timeframe for the work is Q4\/2021 \u2013 Q4\/2022. The work will be focused to the beginning, but there will be tasks for the whole period.", "", "" ], "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false, "awardCriteria": { "criterionTypes": 5, "qualityCriteria": [ { "criterion": "Quality based factors", "weighting": "70" } ], "costCriteria": [], "priceCriterion": { "weighting": "30" }, "criterion": [], "criteriaStatedInProcurementDocuments": false }, "estimatedValue": { "type": 0 }, "timeFrame": { "type": 3, "beginDate": "2022-03-17T00:00:00", "canBeRenewed": false }, "candidateNumberRestrictions": { "envisagedNumber": 0, "envisagedMinimumNumber": 0, "envisagedMaximumNumber": 0, "selected": 0 }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": true, "optionsDescription": [ "There will be an option for extra work related to the scope of this assignment until the end of the year 2025. The maximum of this optional work is estimated to be four (4) person months.", "", "The use of optional work will be on sole discretion of GTK and will be agreed with the service provider. GTK will inform the service provider of the need for optional work at no less than one-month notice. ", "", "" ], "optionType": 0 }, "tendersMustBePresentedAsElectronicCatalogs": false, "euFunds": { "procurementRelatedToEuProgram": false }, "additionalInformation": [ "In this procurement the competition was first arranged as a restricted procedure via Dynamic Purchasing System. The contract notice was published on 19.10.2021. The deadline was 12.11.2021 16:00. No tenders received by the set time limit. Beak Consultants GmbH had expressed their interest by providing a signed Non-Disclosure Commitment. Therefore, direct procurement was commenced with them. " ], "awardContract": { "contractAwarded": 1, "noAwardedContract": { "failureReason": 0, "originalNoticeSentVia": 0 }, "awardedContracts": [ { "conclusionDate": "2022-03-17T00:00:00", "contractNumber": "GTK\/640\/02.03.01\/2021", "contractTitle": "GTK - Geological Expert Services - 2020-2024 (DPS) ; Expert Services for Developing Governance Framework in National Geological Database (NGD) in Saudi Arabia 2021 \u2013 2023", "numberOfTenders": { "disagreeTenderInformationToBePublished": false, "total": 1, "sme": 0, "electronic": 0 }, "disagreeContractorInformationToBePublished": false, "contractors": [ { "officialName": "Beak Consultants GmbH", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "DE162747814", "nutsCodes": [ "DE" ], "postalAddress": { "town": "Freiberg", "country": "DE" }, "isSmallMediumEnterprise": false, "validationState": 0 } ], "initialEstimatedValueOfContract": {}, "finalTotalValue": { "type": 1, "value": 246006, "currency": "EUR" }, "likelyToBeSubcontracted": false, "valueOfSubcontract": 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"technicalCriteriaOfSubcontractorsMinimum": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshops": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgrammes": false, "restrictedToParticularProfession": false, "restrictedToParticularProfessionLaw": [], "staffResponsibleForExecution": false, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformationNational": { "participantSuitabilityCriteria": [], "requiredCertifications": [], "additionalInformation": [], "validationState": 0, "reservedForShelteredWorkshopOrProgram": false }, "complementaryInformation": { "isRecurringProcurement": false, "estimatedTimingForFurtherNoticePublish": [], "electronicOrderingUsed": false, "electronicInvoicingUsed": false, "electronicPaymentUsed": false, "additionalInformation": [ "Estimated value of the contract with options 246 006,00 Euro (VAT 0 %)", "", "The use of options will be decided separately.", "", "In this procurement the competition was first arranged as a restricted procedure via Dynamic Purchasing System.", "", "The contract notice was published on the Cloudia contract notice portal on 19.10.2021. The deadline for the tenders was 12.11.2021 16:00 (UTC +02:00).", "", "There were no tenders received by the set time limit. Nevertheless, Beak Consultants GmbH had expressed their interest on call for tenders by providing a signed NDC agreement.", "", "Therefore, direct procurement was commenced with BeakConsultants GmbH.", "", "No essential changes have been conducted in the terms and conditions of the original call for tenders. " ], "validationState": 0 }, "datePublished": "2022-04-03T07:40:11.0446518", "state": 2, "tedPublishState": 4, "tedSubmissionId": "20220401-005433", "tedPublishRequestSentDate": "2022-04-01T07:39:21", "tedPublicationInfo": { "ojs_number": "068", "no_doc_ojs": "2022\/S 068-181046", "publication_date": "2022-04-06T07:00:00", "ted_links": { "en": "http:\/\/ted.europa.eu\/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:181046-2022:TEXT:EN:HTML" } }, "tedValidationErrors": [ { "type": "TECH", "items": [ { "name": "T001", "valid": true, "message": "XML file is valid against XSD." }, { "name": "T002", "valid": true, "message": "Metadata could be retrieved from the XML file." }, { "name": "T003", "valid": true, "message": "Unique key is active." } ] }, { "type": "VALIDATION_RULES", "items": [ { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[1]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[1]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." } ] } ], "noticeOjsNumber": "2022\/S 068-181046", "previousNoticeOjsNumber": "2020\/S 086-204762", "procedureInformation": { "procedureType": 2, "acceleratedProcedure": false, "justificationForAcceleratedProcedure": [], "contestType": 0, "frameworkAgreement": { "includesFrameworkAgreement": false, "includesConclusionOfFrameworkAgreement": false, "frameworkAgreementType": 0, "frameworkEnvisagedType": 0, "includesDynamicPurchasingSystem": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemInvolvesAdditionalPurchasers": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemWasTerminated": false, "estimatedTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "duration": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "reductionRecourseToReduceNumberOfSolutions": false, "reserveRightToAwardWithoutNegotiations": false, "electronicAuctionWillBeUsed": false, 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