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" ], "descrProcurement": [ "Described in II.1.4) of this Invitation to Tender and Annex 1 Procurement Description. " ], "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false, "awardCriteria": { "criterionTypes": 5, "qualityCriteria": [ { "criterion": "Usability of the Service and the Platform\/Tool ", "weighting": "20" }, { "criterion": "Implementation and EOR Transition Plan", "weighting": "10" }, { "criterion": "Service Description", "weighting": "50" } ], "costCriteria": [], "priceCriterion": { "weighting": "20" }, "criterion": [], "criteriaStatedInProcurementDocuments": false }, "estimatedValue": { "type": 0 }, "timeFrame": { "type": 2, "months": 48, "canBeRenewed": true, "renewalDescription": [ "The Contract commences upon the signing and stays in force until further notice.The Contract is planned to enter into force on Q4\/2023 (estimated target)." ] }, "candidateNumberRestrictions": { "envisagedNumber": 0, "envisagedMinimumNumber": 0, "envisagedMaximumNumber": 0, "selected": 0 }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": true, "optionsDescription": [ "The service can be extended to Business Finland's new operating countries\/offices. ", "", "The service can be adjusted during the contract term to correspond Business Finland's actual global employee count. Therefore, the service can be extended to more than the estimated 180 employees if this is required by Business Finland. " ], "optionType": 0 }, "tendersMustBePresentedAsElectronicCatalogs": false, "euFunds": { "procurementRelatedToEuProgram": false }, "additionalInformation": [], "awardContract": { "contractAwarded": 0, "noAwardedContract": { "failureReason": 0, "originalNoticeSentVia": 0 }, "awardedContracts": [] }, "validationState": 0 } ], "communicationInformation": { "procurementDocumentsAvailable": 1, "procurementDocumentsUrl": "https:\/\/tarjouspalvelu.fi\/businessfinland?id=467302&tpk=993da69b-29fe-496b-94dc-d004dd0089b2", "additionalInformation": 1, "additionalInformationAddress": { "officialName": "Business Finland Oy", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "2725690-3", "nutsCodes": [ "FI1B" ], "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "PB 358", "postalCode": "00181", "town": "Helsinki", "country": "FI" }, "email": "[email protected]", "mainUrl": "https:\/\/www.businessfinland.fi\/", "validationState": 0 }, "otherAddressForProcurementDocuments": { "nutsCodes": [], "postalAddress": {}, "validationState": 0 }, "sendTendersOption": 1, "electronicAddressToSendTenders": "https:\/\/tarjouspalvelu.fi\/businessfinland?id=467302&tpk=993da69b-29fe-496b-94dc-d004dd0089b2", "addressToSendTenders": { "nutsCodes": [], "postalAddress": {}, "validationState": 0 }, "electronicCommunicationRequiresSpecialTools": false, "documentsEntirelyInHilma": false, "specsAndAdditionalDocuments": 0, "validationState": 0 }, "contactPerson": { "email": "[email protected]" }, "procurementObject": { "shortDescription": [ "Business Finland organization is formed by state owned company Business Finland Oy and Business Finland Innovation Funding Agency. Business Finland employs 760 specialists at 37 foreign locations and 16 offices in Finland. Business Finland is a public-sector operator and part of the Team Finland network. ", "", "This procurement is conducted for Business Finland Oy (hereinafter 'Business Finland'). With this tendering process Business Finland is looking for a service provider who is able to arrange, help and advice in the administration throughout the entire employee lifecycle. Besides of HR matters such as contracts, compensation and benefit matters, local market practices etc., Business Finland also needs guidance from time to time in legal matters which relate to employment (especially labor law and tax related advice), financial reporting and payroll services.", "", "The scope of the procurement includes approximately 180 employees in 31 countries, namely: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA and Vietnam. The scope of services needed depends on the way in which Business Finland is organized in the country in question. ", "", "Business Finland's aim is to start the service gradually with the chosen service provider through implementation and pilot project. The purpose is to gradually introduce new countries to the scope of the service. Business Finland has also a right, at its discretion, to exclude some of its operating countries from the service provision (for example based on the success and results of the pilot project). ", "", "Additionally, the service provided must include a software solution (SaaS Platform) that will be used for administration of all labor, legal and finance related matters as described in the Annex 1 Procurement Description. ", "", "The scope of the procurement is described in more detail in the Annex 1 Procurement Description. ", "", "", "" ], "estimatedValue": { "type": 0 }, "estimatedValueCalculationMethod": [], "mainCpvCode": { "code": "79000000", "name": "Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security", "vocCodes": [] }, "defence": { "nutsCodes": [], "frameworkAgreement": { "includesFrameworkAgreement": false, "includesConclusionOfFrameworkAgreement": false, "frameworkAgreementType": 0, "frameworkEnvisagedType": 0, "includesDynamicPurchasingSystem": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemInvolvesAdditionalPurchasers": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemWasTerminated": false, "estimatedTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "duration": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "subcontract": { "tendererHasToIndicateShare": false, "tendererHasToIndicateChange": false, "caMayOblige": false, "successfulTenderer": false, "successfulTendererToSpecify": false }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": false, "optionType": 0 }, "totalQuantityOrScope": { "type": 0 }, "renewals": { "canBeRenewed": false }, "timeFrame": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformation": { "professionalSuitabilityRequirements": [ "Tenderers or candidates must fill the so-called European Single Procurement Document, ESPD." ], "economicCriteriaToParticipate": true, "economicCriteriaDescription": [], "economicRequiredStandards": [], "technicalCriteriaToParticipate": true, "technicalCriteriaDescription": [], "technicalRequiredStandards": [], "rulesForParticipation": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshop": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgram": false, "reservedOrganisationServiceMission": false, "depositsRequired": [], "financingConditions": [], "legalFormTaken": [], "qualificationSystemConditions": [], "ciriteriaForTheSelectionOfParticipants": [], "executionOfServiceIsReservedForProfession": false, "referenceToRelevantLawRegulationOrProvision": [], "participationIsReservedForProfession": false, "indicateProfession": [], "contractPerformanceConditions": [ "See contract terms." ], "obligationToIndicateNamesAndProfessionalQualifications": false, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformationDefence": { "depositsRequired": [], "financingConditions": [], "legalFormTaken": [], "otherParticularConditions": [], "personalSituationOfEconomicOperators": [], "personalSituationOfSubcontractors": [], "economicCriteriaOfEconomicOperators": [], "economicCriteriaOfEconomicOperatorsMinimum": [], "economicCriteriaOfSubcontractors": [], "economicCriteriaOfSubcontractorsMinimum": [], "technicalCriteriaOfEconomicOperators": [], "technicalCriteriaOfEconomicOperatorsMinimum": [], "technicalCriteriaOfSubcontractors": [], "technicalCriteriaOfSubcontractorsMinimum": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshops": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgrammes": false, "restrictedToParticularProfession": false, "restrictedToParticularProfessionLaw": [], "staffResponsibleForExecution": false, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformationNational": { "participantSuitabilityCriteria": [], "requiredCertifications": [], "additionalInformation": [], "validationState": 0, "reservedForShelteredWorkshopOrProgram": false }, "complementaryInformation": { "isRecurringProcurement": false, "estimatedTimingForFurtherNoticePublish": [], "electronicOrderingUsed": true, "electronicInvoicingUsed": true, "electronicPaymentUsed": true, "additionalInformation": [ "Estimated total amount (VAT 0 %) for the procurement for a period of 2023 - 2027 is approximately 1.7 - 1.9 Million Euros. The figure is a non-binding estimate. The final realised value of the procurement depends mainly on how many countries the service will be implemented based on the results of the implementation and pilot project. ", "", "The figure includes the estimated costs of service implementation, platform fee, EOR management fees as well as payroll services. Additionally, the estimated total amount includes consultancy services, technical alterations and integrations of the platform and the possibility of expanding the service to new Business Finland offices. 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