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", "Teht\u00e4viin kuuluu mm. sovellusten tai niiden osien ja ominaisuuksien kehitt\u00e4minen. 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"AWARD_CONTRACT[109]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[110]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[110]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[111]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[111]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about 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"AWARD_CONTRACT[120]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[121]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[121]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[122]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[122]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about 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is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[129]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[130]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[130]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[131]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[131]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[132]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[132]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[133]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[133]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about 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"severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[136]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[136]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[137]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[137]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[138]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[138]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[139]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[139]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[140]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[140]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[141]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[141]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[142]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[142]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[143]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[143]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[1]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[1]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[2]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[2]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[3]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[3]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[4]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[4]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[5]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[5]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[6]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[6]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[7]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[7]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[8]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[8]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[9]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[9]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[10]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[10]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[11]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[11]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[12]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[12]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[13]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[13]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[14]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[14]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[15]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[15]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[16]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[16]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[17]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[17]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[18]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[18]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[19]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[19]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[20]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[20]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[21]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[21]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[22]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[22]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[23]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[23]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[24]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[24]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[25]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[25]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[26]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[26]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[27]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[27]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[28]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[28]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[29]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[29]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[30]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[30]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[31]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[31]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[32]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[32]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[33]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[33]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[34]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[34]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[35]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[35]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[36]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[36]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[37]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[37]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[38]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[38]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[39]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[39]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[40]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[40]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[41]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[41]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[42]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[42]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[43]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[43]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[44]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[44]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[45]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[45]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[46]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[46]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[47]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[47]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[48]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[48]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[49]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[49]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[50]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[50]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[51]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[51]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[52]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[52]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[53]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[53]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[54]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[54]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[55]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[55]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[56]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[56]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[57]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[57]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[58]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[58]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[59]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[59]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[60]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[60]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[61]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[61]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[62]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[62]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[63]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[63]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[64]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[64]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[65]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[65]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[66]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[66]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[67]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[67]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[68]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[68]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[69]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[69]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[70]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[70]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[71]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[71]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[72]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[72]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[73]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[73]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[74]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[74]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[75]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[75]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[76]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[76]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[77]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[77]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[78]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[78]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[79]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[79]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[80]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[80]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[81]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[81]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[82]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[82]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[83]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[83]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[84]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[84]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[85]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[85]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[86]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[86]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[87]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[87]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[88]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[88]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[89]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[89]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[90]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[90]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[91]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[91]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[92]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[92]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[93]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[93]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[94]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[94]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[95]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[95]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[96]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[96]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[97]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[97]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[98]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[98]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[99]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[99]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[100]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[100]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[101]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[101]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[102]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[102]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_NON_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[103]\/\/TENDERS[ missing NB_TENDERS_RECEIVED_OTHER_EU]: S5-02-02: Information about tenders: all information of this section is required." }, { "name": "R612", "valid": false, "severity": "WARNING", "message": "AWARD_CONTRACT[103]\/\/TENDERS[ missing 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