{ "id": 100038, "procurementProjectId": 70038, "noticeNumber": "2022-100038", "reducedTimeLimitsForReceiptOfTenders": false, "corrigendumAdditionalInformation": [], "creatorSystem": "Cloudia Kilpailutus", "type": 100, "legalBasis": "32014L0024", "project": { "id": 70038, "title": "Prior Information Notice \/ Water Pilot Mintec 2.0 Laboratory (Water Pilot Lab)", "contractType": 2, "procurementCategory": 1, "referenceNumber": "GTK\/369\/02.03.01\/2022", "jointProcurement": false, "procurementLaw": [], "centralPurchasing": false, "coPurchasers": [], "validationState": 0, "organisation": { "id": "6ee3f8cb-b903-4600-2cff-08d78deb351a", "information": { "officialName": "Geologian tutkimuskeskus", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "0244680-7", "nutsCodes": [ "FI" ], "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "Vuorimiehentie 5", "postalCode": "02151", "town": "Espoo", "country": "FI" }, "email": "[email protected]", "mainUrl": "https:\/\/www.gtk.fi\/en", "validationState": 0 }, "contractingAuthorityType": 2, "contractingType": 0, "mainActivity": 1024, "otherMainActivity": "Research", "mainActivityUtilities": 0, "validationState": 0, "dataSource": 0, "identifierMissing": false, "vhsStatus": 0 }, "state": 1, "defenceWorks": 0, "defenceSupplies": 0, "publish": 1, "agricultureWorks": 0, "isPrivate": false, "isConcluded": false, "tendering": 0 }, "lotsInfo": { "divisionLots": false, "lotsSubmittedFor": 0, "lotsSubmittedForQuantity": 0, "lotsMaxAwarded": false, "lotsMaxAwardedQuantity": 0, "lotCombinationPossible": false, "lotCombinationPossibleDescription": [], "validationState": 0 }, "objectDescriptions": [ { "mainCpvCode": { "code": "51000000", "name": "Installation services (except software)", "vocCodes": [] }, "quantityOrScope": [], "additionalCpvCodes": [ { "code": "73100000", "name": "Research and experimental development services", "vocCodes": [] }, { "code": "41000000", "name": "Collected and purified water", "vocCodes": [] }, { "code": "38400000", "name": "Instruments for checking physical characteristics", "vocCodes": [] }, { "code": "51210000", "name": "Installation services of measuring equipment", "vocCodes": [] }, { "code": "73300000", "name": "Design and execution of research and development", "vocCodes": [] } ], "nutsCodes": [ "FI1D3" ], "mainsiteplaceWorksDelivery": [ "Outokumpu, Finland" ], "descrProcurement": [ "The subject of the procurement is the turn-key delivery of pilot-scale test rigs for Water Pilot Mintec 2.0 Laboratory (Water Pilot Lab) in GTK, Outokumpu, Finland.", "", "The turn-key delivery includes (a) design and engineering of automated pilot-scale industrial water treatment systems based on the subject and requirements of the procurement, (b) delivery and installation at the Water Pilot Lab, (c) test startup, documentation, and training.", "", "For the sake of clarity, equipment and supplies that are required for the proper operation of the laboratory are included in the procurement.", "", "Four pilot-scale test rigs must address the following processes for the treatment of extractive sector effluents:", "", "Test-rig 1: Chemical coagulation (coagulation stage and flocculation stage) or multi-stage chemical precipitation (first stage and second stage) followed by sedimentation ", "Test-rig 2: Electrochemical treatment (e.g., electrocoagulation, electrooxidation) followed by sedimentation ", "Test-rig 3: Adsorption and ion exchange process (fixed-bed columns)", "Test-rig 4: Membrane technologies (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis) with prefiltration", "", "Ancillary equipment: Chemicals dosing station (6 lines), inlet and outlet buffer tanks (standard 1 m3 IBC containers). ", "", "The estimated Test-rig capacity does not exceed 250 L\/h. Test-rig sizing and actual nominal capacity will be determined with the Vendor for each Test-rig, based on available module size and laboratory footprint (Water Pilot Lab total space: 85 m2 with a maximum height of 3.5 m). Required mode of operation: batch and continues.", "", "Each Test-rig is individually automated and monitored for parameters (depending on process requirements) such as flow rate, pressure, and water physico-chemical parameters (measured with commercially available probes).", "", "Each Test-rig has to work individually and as a part of a customisable interconnected water processing chain. Connections between Test-rigs are needed to ensure the complete flexibility of operation, giving the possibility to connect Test-rigs in any order." ], "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false, "awardCriteria": { "criterionTypes": 8, "qualityCriteria": [], "costCriteria": [], "priceCriterion": {}, "criterion": [], "criteriaStatedInProcurementDocuments": false }, "estimatedValue": { "type": 1, "value": 450000, "currency": "EUR" }, "timeFrame": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false }, "candidateNumberRestrictions": { "envisagedNumber": 0, "envisagedMinimumNumber": 0, "envisagedMaximumNumber": 0, "selected": 0 }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": false, "optionType": 0 }, "tendersMustBePresentedAsElectronicCatalogs": false, "euFunds": { "procurementRelatedToEuProgram": false }, "additionalInformation": [], "awardContract": { "contractAwarded": 0, "noAwardedContract": { "failureReason": 0, "originalNoticeSentVia": 0 }, "awardedContracts": [] }, "validationState": 0 } ], "communicationInformation": { "procurementDocumentsAvailable": 0, "additionalInformation": 1, "additionalInformationAddress": { "officialName": "Geologian tutkimuskeskus", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "0244680-7", "nutsCodes": [ "FI" ], "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "Vuorimiehentie 5", "postalCode": "02151", "town": "Espoo", "country": "FI" }, "email": "[email protected]", "mainUrl": "https:\/\/www.gtk.fi\/en", "validationState": 0 }, "otherAddressForProcurementDocuments": { "nutsCodes": [], "validationState": 0 }, "sendTendersOption": 0, "addressToSendTenders": { "nutsCodes": [], "validationState": 0 }, "electronicCommunicationRequiresSpecialTools": false, "documentsEntirelyInHilma": false, "specsAndAdditionalDocuments": 0, "validationState": 0 }, "contactPerson": { "email": "[email protected]" }, "procurementObject": { "shortDescription": [ "This document is not a procurement announcement, not an Invitation to Tender, nor will its publication start a Tender Procurement Process. This document serves as a Prior Information Notice and an invitation to Tender information procedure. The purpose of the meeting is to obtain information about potential suppliers.", "", "The target of this Prior Information Notice is to find potential candidates to develop GTK\u2019s water treatment solutions and to provide information about the current solution. This Prior Information Notice does not bind the GTK to make any procurement based on this request. Participation in this Tender information procedure does not in any way bind any party in a potential future Invitation to Tender. Suppliers who refrain from participating in this Tender information process are equally allowed to participate in potential future Invitation to Tender." ], "estimatedValue": { "type": 1, "value": 450000, "currency": "EUR" }, "estimatedValueCalculationMethod": [], "mainCpvCode": { "code": "51000000", "name": "Installation services (except software)", "vocCodes": [] }, "defence": { "nutsCodes": [], "frameworkAgreement": { "includesFrameworkAgreement": false, "includesConclusionOfFrameworkAgreement": false, "frameworkAgreementType": 0, "frameworkEnvisagedType": 0, "includesDynamicPurchasingSystem": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemInvolvesAdditionalPurchasers": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemWasTerminated": false, "estimatedTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "duration": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "subcontract": { "tendererHasToIndicateShare": false, "tendererHasToIndicateChange": false, "caMayOblige": false, "successfulTenderer": false, "successfulTendererToSpecify": false }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": false, "optionType": 0 }, "totalQuantityOrScope": { "type": 0 }, "renewals": { "canBeRenewed": false }, "timeFrame": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformation": { "professionalSuitabilityRequirements": [], "economicCriteriaToParticipate": false, "economicCriteriaDescription": [], "economicRequiredStandards": [], "technicalCriteriaToParticipate": false, "technicalCriteriaDescription": [], "technicalRequiredStandards": [], "rulesForParticipation": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshop": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgram": false, "reservedOrganisationServiceMission": false, "depositsRequired": [], "financingConditions": [], "legalFormTaken": [], "qualificationSystemConditions": [], "ciriteriaForTheSelectionOfParticipants": [], "executionOfServiceIsReservedForProfession": false, "referenceToRelevantLawRegulationOrProvision": [], "participationIsReservedForProfession": false, "indicateProfession": [], "contractPerformanceConditions": [], "obligationToIndicateNamesAndProfessionalQualifications": false, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformationDefence": { "depositsRequired": [], "financingConditions": [], "legalFormTaken": [], "otherParticularConditions": [], "personalSituationOfEconomicOperators": [], "personalSituationOfSubcontractors": [], "economicCriteriaOfEconomicOperators": [], "economicCriteriaOfEconomicOperatorsMinimum": [], "economicCriteriaOfSubcontractors": [], "economicCriteriaOfSubcontractorsMinimum": [], "technicalCriteriaOfEconomicOperators": [], "technicalCriteriaOfEconomicOperatorsMinimum": [], "technicalCriteriaOfSubcontractors": [], "technicalCriteriaOfSubcontractorsMinimum": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshops": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgrammes": false, "restrictedToParticularProfession": false, "restrictedToParticularProfessionLaw": [], "staffResponsibleForExecution": false, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformationNational": { "participantSuitabilityCriteria": [], "requiredCertifications": [], "additionalInformation": [], "validationState": 0, "reservedForShelteredWorkshopOrProgram": false }, "complementaryInformation": { "isRecurringProcurement": false, "estimatedTimingForFurtherNoticePublish": [], "electronicOrderingUsed": false, "electronicInvoicingUsed": false, "electronicPaymentUsed": false, "additionalInformation": [ "Interested suppliers are kindly requested to register to [email protected] no later than 19 May 2022 by 12.00 EET if they are participating in Tender information process. Please send the full name of your company and its contact person by e-mail and answer the following question:", "", "1. What is your non-binding estimation of the price for the turn-key delivery (including the following parts (a) design and engineering of the systems, (b) delivery and installation of the system to the GTK's premises, (c) test startup, documentation, and training of the solution, (d) equipment and supplies included in the solution). ? If possible, specify a price estimate for each part (a)-(d).", "", "2. What is your non-binding estimation for the time schedule, in other words, how much time it takes to design and deliver of the solution?", "", "Any questions related to the Prior Information Notice should be sent to [email protected]. Please write into the subject field of the email \"GTK, Water Pilot Mictec 2.0 Laboratory\"", "", "Hansel Ltd operates in a consultative role in this procurement.", "", "The market consultation may be arranged in writing or by meetings, GTK shall inform potential participants later how the market consultation is arranged.", "", "The GTK will not pay any expenses related to this Prior Information Notice or Tender Information Meetings. The Tender Information Meeting will be held at Microsoft Teams." ], "validationState": 0 }, "datePublished": "2022-05-05T12:46:04.4277612", "state": 2, "tedPublishState": 4, "tedSubmissionId": "20220503-006427", "tedPublishRequestSentDate": "2022-05-03T12:42:54", "tedPublicationInfo": { "ojs_number": "089", "no_doc_ojs": "2022\/S 089-242249", "publication_date": "2022-05-06T07:00:00", "ted_links": { "en": "http:\/\/ted.europa.eu\/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:242249-2022:TEXT:EN:HTML" } }, "tedValidationErrors": [ { "type": "TECH", "items": [ { "name": "T001", "valid": true, "message": "XML file is valid against XSD." }, { "name": "T002", "valid": true, "message": "Metadata could be retrieved from the XML file." }, { "name": "T003", "valid": true, "message": "Unique key is active." } ] }, { "type": "VALIDATION_RULES", "items": [] } ], "noticeOjsNumber": "2022\/S 089-242249", "procedureInformation": { "procedureType": 0, "acceleratedProcedure": false, "justificationForAcceleratedProcedure": [], "contestType": 0, "frameworkAgreement": { "includesFrameworkAgreement": false, "includesConclusionOfFrameworkAgreement": false, "frameworkAgreementType": 0, "frameworkEnvisagedType": 0, "includesDynamicPurchasingSystem": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemInvolvesAdditionalPurchasers": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemWasTerminated": false, "estimatedTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "duration": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "reductionRecourseToReduceNumberOfSolutions": false, "reserveRightToAwardWithoutNegotiations": false, "electronicAuctionWillBeUsed": false, "additionalInformationAboutElectronicAuction": [], "namesOfParticipantsAlreadySelected": [], "procurementGovernedByGPA": true, "criteriaForEvaluationOfProjects": [], "disagreeCriteriaForEvaluationOfProjectsPublish": false, "mainFeaturesAward": [], "validationState": 0 }, "tenderingInformation": { "languages": [], "tendersMustBeValidOption": 0, "estimatedDateOfContractNoticePublication": "2022-06-17T00:00:00", "tenderOpeningConditions": {}, "defence": { "previousPublicationExists": false, "hasPreviousContractNoticeOjsNumber": false, "hasPreviousExAnteOjsNumber": false, "payableDocuments": false, "languageType": 0, "languages": [], "otherLanguage": false }, "estimatedExecutionTimeFrame": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false }, "validationState": 0 }, "rewardsAndJury": { "prizeAwarded": false, "numberAndValueOfPrizes": [], "detailsOfPayments": [], "serviceContractAwardedToWinner": false, "decisionOfTheJuryIsBinding": false, "namesOfSelectedMembersOfJury": [], "validationState": 0 }, "resultsOfContest": { "contestWasTerminated": false, "noPrizeType": 0, "originalNoticeSentVia": 0, "participantsContemplated": 0, "participantsSme": 0, "participantsForeign": 0, "disagreeParticipantCountPublish": false, "winners": [], "disagreeWinnersPublish": false, "disagreeValuePublish": false, "validationState": 0 }, "tedNoDocExt": "2022-100038", "attachments": [], "hasAttachments": false, "changes": [], "isCorrigendum": false, "isMigrated": false, "isCancelled": false, "isContractAwardCancellationNotice": false, "cancelledReason": [], "isLatest": true, "language": "EN", "proceduresForReview": { "reviewBody": { "nutsCodes": [], "validationState": 0 }, "reviewProcedure": [], "validationState": 0 }, "attachmentInformation": { "description": [], "links": [], "validationState": 0 }, "modifications": { "additionalCpvCodes": [], "nutsCodes": [], "mainsiteplaceWorksDelivery": [], "descrProcurement": [], "timeFrame": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false }, "justificationForDurationOverFourYears": [], "justificationForDurationOverEightYears": [], "totalValue": {}, "awardedToGroupOfEconomicOperators": false, "contractors": [], "description": [], "reason": 0, "reasonDescriptionEconomic": [], "reasonDescriptionCircumstances": [], "increaseBeforeModifications": {}, "increaseAfterModifications": {}, "validationState": 0 }, "contractAwardsDefence": [ { "numberOfTenders": { "disagreeTenderInformationToBePublished": false, "total": 0 }, "contractor": { "nutsCodes": [], "postalAddress": {}, "isSmallMediumEnterprise": false, "validationState": 0 }, "estimatedValue": {}, "contractValueType": 0, "finalTotalValue": {}, "lowestOffer": {}, "highestOffer": {}, "annualOrMonthlyValue": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false }, "likelyToBeSubcontracted": false, "valueOfSubcontract": {}, "valueOfSubcontractNotKnown": false, "subcontractingDescription": [], "allOrCertainSubcontractsWillBeAwarded": false, "shareOfContractWillBeSubcontracted": false, "validationState": 0 } ], "isPrivateSmallValueProcurement": false, "espdRequestReferences": [], "hilmaSubmissionDate": "2022-05-03T12:42:17.6250464", "dateCreated": "2022-05-03T12:42:17.3450949", "dateModified": "2022-05-06T07:00:25.6215084" }