{ "id": 47600, "procurementProjectId": 36800, "noticeNumber": "2020-047600", "reducedTimeLimitsForReceiptOfTenders": false, "corrigendumAdditionalInformation": [], "creatorSystem": "Cloudia Kilpailutus", "type": 200, "legalBasis": "32014L0024", "project": { "id": 36800, "title": "Testing Environment of hybrid and electric powertrain systems for heavy duty vehicles, Dynamometers", "contractType": 1, "procurementCategory": 1, "referenceNumber": "OAMK 25\/2020", "jointProcurement": false, "procurementLaw": [], "centralPurchasing": false, "coPurchasers": [], "validationState": 0, "organisation": { "id": "f213ffbc-c99c-4bcf-2e79-08d78deb351a", "information": { "officialName": "Oulu University of Applied Sciences Ltd", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "2509747-8", "nutsCodes": [ "FI1D9" ], "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "Yliopistokatu 9", "postalCode": "90570", "town": "Oulu", "country": "FI" }, "telephoneNumber": "+358 401415108", "email": "[email protected]", "contactPerson": "Heli Malmstr\u00f6m", "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.oamk.fi", "validationState": 0 }, "contractingAuthorityType": 64, "otherContractingAuthorityType": "higher education", "contractingType": 0, "mainActivity": 512, "mainActivityUtilities": 0, "validationState": 0 }, "state": 1, "defenceWorks": 0, "defenceSupplies": 0, "publish": 1, "agricultureWorks": 0, "isPrivate": false, "isConcluded": false }, "lotsInfo": { "divisionLots": false, "lotsSubmittedFor": 0, "lotsSubmittedForQuantity": 0, "lotsMaxAwarded": false, "lotsMaxAwardedQuantity": 0, "lotCombinationPossible": false, "validationState": 0 }, "objectDescriptions": [ { "mainCpvCode": { "code": "38540000", "name": "Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring", "vocCodes": [] }, "additionalCpvCodes": [ { "code": "38970000", "name": "Research, testing and scientific technical simulator", "vocCodes": [] } ], "nutsCodes": [ "FI1D9" ], "mainsiteplaceWorksDelivery": [ "Oulu" ], "descrProcurement": [ "In Finland there is a strong expertise for heavy duty vehicles, forestry and mining", "machines. Also, ICT industry is remarkable, and this expertise brings new", "possibilities to create more efficient solutions. Oulu is the only area in Finland in", "which the education for automotive and machinery is carried out from the vocational", "education to engineering and research education. With this procurement the", "educational environment for the heavy duty machines is strengthened. Research", "activities for the development of future technologies requires up-to-date", "environment. The laboratory includes a heavy duty vehicle testing unit for powertrain", "systems.", "", "Turnkey construction of the dynamometer system according to the requirement", "specification document is needed for the following reasons: - Testing activities are", "supposed to start immediately after the dynamometer system has gone through the", "final acceptance test on the installation site.", "- The budget includes the implementation and testing of the new Mobilab", "dynamometer system.", "- With turnkey construction the functionability of the dynamometer system is", "confirmed: total delivery, product support, extensibility.", "- Responsibility of the functionality of the system is provided by the supplier.", "", "The Mobilab RDI environment is meant for:", "- Research and testing for the research organizations.", "- New product development for the companies", "- Education", "- Improving the technology awareness", "", "To ensure full compatibility, safety, conformity with machine directive and to avoid", "parallel systems the tenderer shall provide comprehensive integration plan. OUAS is", "not capable for executing the integration." ], "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false, "awardCriteria": { "criterionTypes": 8, "qualityCriteria": [], "costCriteria": [], "priceCriterion": {}, "criterion": [], "criteriaStatedInProcurementDocuments": false }, "estimatedValue": { "type": 1, "value": 2900000, "currency": "EUR" }, "timeFrame": { "type": 3, "beginDate": "2020-08-01T00:00:00", "endDate": "2021-12-31T00:00:00", "canBeRenewed": false }, "candidateNumberRestrictions": { "envisagedNumber": 0, "envisagedMinimumNumber": 0, "envisagedMaximumNumber": 0, "selected": 0 }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": true, "optionsDescription": [ "The contracting entity reserves the right to get from the tenderer who has won", "additional purchases." ], "optionType": 0, "optionsDays": 0, "optionsMonths": 0 }, "tendersMustBePresentedAsElectronicCatalogs": false, "euFunds": { "procurementRelatedToEuProgram": true, "projectIdentification": [ "Project 1: Mobilab - RDI laboratory for vehicles and engines, Project code A74759." ] }, "additionalInformation": [ "Final acceptance tests target is 30.09.2021.", "", "If the conditions during the competitive tendering become such that it does not", "the contracting entity can utilise the results of the competitive tendering, the", "contracting entity feels partly or totally to interrupt the procurement procedure." ], "validationState": 0 } ], "communicationInformation": { "procurementDocumentsAvailable": 1, "procurementDocumentsUrl": "https:\/\/hanki.tarjouspalvelu.fi\/hanki?id=299786&tpk=c6164cb9-2c32-4d6c-87c1-23d51520ecc4", "additionalInformation": 1, "additionalInformationAddress": { "officialName": "Oulu University of Applied Sciences Ltd", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "2509747-8", "nutsCodes": [ "FI1D9" ], "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "Yliopistokatu 9", "postalCode": "90570", "town": "Oulu", "country": "FI" }, "telephoneNumber": "+358 401415108", "email": "[email protected]", "contactPerson": "Heli Malmstr\u00f6m", "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.oamk.fi", "validationState": 0 }, "otherAddressForProcurementDocuments": { "nutsCodes": [], "validationState": 0 }, "sendTendersOption": 1, "electronicAddressToSendTenders": "https:\/\/hanki.tarjouspalvelu.fi\/hanki?id=299786&tpk=c6164cb9-2c32-4d6c-87c1-23d51520ecc4", "addressToSendTenders": { "nutsCodes": [], "validationState": 0 }, "electronicCommunicationRequiresSpecialTools": false, "documentsEntirelyInHilma": false, "specsAndAdditionalDocuments": 0, "validationState": 0 }, "contactPerson": { "name": "Heli Malmstr\u00f6m", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+358 401415108" }, "procurementObject": { "shortDescription": [ "The aim of the procurement is to build up a RDI laboratory environment for", "education, research and development located in Oulu. The laboratory environment", "enables high quality testing and development of new powertrain technologies for", "heavy duty vehicles." ], "estimatedValue": { "type": 1, "value": 2900000, "currency": "EUR" }, "estimatedValueCalculationMethod": [], "mainCpvCode": { "code": "38540000", "name": "Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring", "vocCodes": [] }, "defence": { "nutsCodes": [], "frameworkAgreement": { "includesFrameworkAgreement": false, "includesConclusionOfFrameworkAgreement": false, "frameworkAgreementType": 0, "frameworkEnvisagedType": 0, "includesDynamicPurchasingSystem": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemInvolvesAdditionalPurchasers": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemWasTerminated": false, "estimatedTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "duration": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "subcontract": { "tendererHasToIndicateShare": false, "tendererHasToIndicateChange": false, "caMayOblige": false, "successfulTenderer": false, "successfulTendererToSpecify": false }, 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