{ "id": 18707, "procurementProjectId": 16279, "noticeNumber": "2019-005575", "reducedTimeLimitsForReceiptOfTenders": false, "corrigendumAdditionalInformation": [], "creatorSystem": "Cloudia Kilpailutus", "type": 200, "legalBasis": "32014L0024", "project": { "id": 0, "title": "Rotavirus Vaccine 2020-2021 (2022-2023)", "contractType": 1, "procurementCategory": 1, "referenceNumber": "STM\/133\/2019", "jointProcurement": false, "procurementLaw": [], "centralPurchasing": false, "coPurchasers": [], "validationState": 2, "organisation": { "id": "f6a20ed0-23e5-4c78-2f38-08d78deb351a", "information": { "officialName": "Ministry of Social Affairs and Health", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "0244685-8", "nutsCodes": [ "FI1B" ], "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "PL 33", "postalCode": "00023", "town": "Helsinki", "country": "FI" }, "email": "[email protected]", "mainUrl": "https:\/\/stm.fi\/en\/frontpage", "validationState": 2 }, "contractingAuthorityType": 1, "contractingType": 1, "mainActivity": 32, "mainActivityUtilities": 0, "validationState": 0 }, "state": 0, "defenceWorks": 0, "defenceSupplies": 0, "publish": 1, "agricultureWorks": 0, "isPrivate": false, "isConcluded": false }, "lotsInfo": { "divisionLots": false, "lotsSubmittedFor": 0, "lotsSubmittedForQuantity": 0, "lotsMaxAwarded": false, "lotsMaxAwardedQuantity": 0, "lotCombinationPossible": false, "validationState": 2 }, "objectDescriptions": [ { "mainCpvCode": {}, "additionalCpvCodes": [], "nutsCodes": [ "FI" ], "mainsiteplaceWorksDelivery": [], "descrProcurement": [ "The purpose of STM and the Customer is to procure Rotavirus Vaccine required for the National Vaccination Programme in Finland.\n\nThe Customer will implement the procurement on STM\u00b4s side. The roles of STM and Customer are described in more detail in section \"Presentation of the contracting authority\".\n\nThe subject of procurement and the mandatory requirements relating to it are\ndescribed in detail in this Call for Tender and its annexes. The contract will be awarded to one Supplier based on a comparison of tenders.\n\nCONTRACT PERIOD\n\nThe contract\u00b4s duration is about two years. Estimated quantity for the contract period is number of vaccines needed for completion of vaccination courses for 108 000 infants (per two years). The customer reserves the right to increase or decrease the ordered numbers of doses by up to 20%. \n\nThe Contract period shall enter into force once the contract has been signed, and\nexpire when all contractual duties have been performed. After the contract period, the Customer reserves the right for the option described in section \"Information about additional procurement options\".\n\nTenders will be compared in the manner described in section \"Grounds for decision\" of the Call for Tender.\n" ], "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false, "awardCriteria": { "criterionTypes": 8, "qualityCriteria": [], "costCriteria": [], "priceCriterion": {}, "criterion": [], "criteriaStatedInProcurementDocuments": false }, "estimatedValue": { "type": 0 }, "timeFrame": { "type": 2, "days": 0, "months": 24, "canBeRenewed": true, "renewalDescription": [ "The procurement contains option period to extend the contract. Estimated duration for the option period is two years. Estimated quantity for the option period is number of vaccines needed for completion of vaccination courses for 108 000 infants (per two years). The customer reserves the right to increase or decrease the ordered numbers of doses by up to 20%. \n\n" ] }, "candidateNumberRestrictions": { "envisagedNumber": 0, "envisagedMinimumNumber": 0, "envisagedMaximumNumber": 0, "objectiveCriteriaForChoosing": [], "selected": 0 }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": false, "optionType": 0 }, "tendersMustBePresentedAsElectronicCatalogs": false, "euFunds": { "procurementRelatedToEuProgram": false }, "additionalInformation": [ "This procurement is detailed in the contract notice published on TED (Tenders\nElectronic Daily) online version and on the HILMA advertisement website as well as\nthis Call for Tender and its Annexes." ], "awardContract": { "contractAwarded": 0, "noAwardedContract": { "failureReason": 0, "originalNoticeSentVia": 0 }, "awardedContract": { "numberOfTenders": { "disagreeTenderInformationToBePublished": false, "total": 0 }, "disagreeContractorInformationToBePublished": false, "contractors": [], "initialEstimatedValueOfContract": {}, "finalTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "likelyToBeSubcontracted": false, "valueOfSubcontract": {}, "notPublicFields": { "communityOrigin": false, "nonCommunityOrigin": false, "awardedToTendererWithVariant": false, "abnormallyLowTendersExcluded": false } } }, "validationState": 2 } ], "communicationInformation": { "procurementDocumentsAvailable": 1, "procurementDocumentsUrl": "https:\/\/hanki.tarjouspalvelu.fi\/hanki", "additionalInformation": 1, "additionalInformationAddress": { "validationState": 0 }, "otherAddressForProcurementDocuments": { "validationState": 0 }, "sendTendersOption": 1, "electronicAddressToSendTenders": "https:\/\/hanki.tarjouspalvelu.fi\/hanki?id=225501&tpk=157d35db-b359-4deb-b184-ae723e7da5fc", "addressToSendTenders": { "validationState": 0 }, "electronicCommunicationRequiresSpecialTools": false, "documentsEntirelyInHilma": false, "specsAndAdditionalDocuments": 0, "validationState": 2 }, "contactPerson": { "email": "[email protected]" }, "procurementObject": { "shortDescription": [ "The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (hereinafter \u201dSTM\u201d) and National Institute for Health and Welfare (hereinafter \"THL\" or \u201cCustomer\u201d ) request your tender for Rotavirus Vaccine belonging to the National Vaccination Programme in Finland.\n\nThe contract period is about two years (during 2020-2021). The procurement\ncontains option to extend the contract. The option period is about two years (2022-2023).\n\nEstimated quantity for the contract period including option is number of vaccines needed for completion of vaccination courses for 216 000 infants (per four years). The customer reserves the right to increase or decrease the ordered numbers of doses by up to 20%.\n\nThe Customer will choose the Supplier based on a comparison of tenders. Tender\nthat is economically the most advantageous will win the competition.\n\nPlease note that all times given in the Call for tender refer to local time in Finland.\nTender annexes:\nAnnex 1 Contract\nAnnex 2 JYSE 2014 SUPPLIES (link)" ], "estimatedValue": { "type": 0 }, "mainCpvCode": { "code": "33651600", "name": "Vaccines", "vocCodes": [] }, "totalValue": { "type": 0 }, "validationState": 2 }, "conditionsInformation": { "professionalSuitabilityRequirements": [ "Please see sections Other information of the Call for Tender and the European\nSingle Procurement Document (ESPD)." ], "economicCriteriaToParticipate": true, "economicCriteriaDescription": [], "economicRequiredStandards": [], "technicalCriteriaToParticipate": true, "technicalCriteriaDescription": [], "technicalRequiredStandards": [], "rulesForParticipation": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshop": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgram": false, "reservedOrganisationServiceMission": false, "depositsRequired": [], "financingConditions": [], "legalFormTaken": [], "ciriteriaForTheSelectionOfParticipants": [], "executionOfServiceIsReservedForProfession": false, "referenceToRelevantLawRegulationOrProvision": [], "participationIsReservedForProfession": false, "contractPerformanceConditions": [ "Please see sections Other information of the Call for Tender and the European\nSingle Procurement Document (ESPD)." ], "obligationToIndicateNamesAndProfessionalQualifications": false, "validationState": 2 }, "complementaryInformation": { "isRecurringProcurement": false, "estimatedTimingForFurtherNoticePublish": [], "electronicOrderingUsed": true, "electronicInvoicingUsed": true, "electronicPaymentUsed": true, "additionalInformation": [ "Electronic invoice is preferred.\n\nTenderers may ask clarification questions using the Supplier Portal. The questions must be in English and will be answered in English. To guarantee the equal treatment of tenderers, questions posed in any other way cannot be answered.\n\nPlease note that all times given in the Call for tender refer to local time in Finland.\n\nPlease note that the online connection to the Supplier Portal is periodically slow and the download time will take time. Please fill out the tenders information in good time before the deadline expires.\n" ], "validationState": 2 }, "datePublished": "2019-03-14T16:45:07", "state": 2, "tedPublishState": 4, "tedSubmissionId": "20190313-005503", "tedPublishRequestSentDate": "2019-03-13T00:00:00", "tedPublicationInfo": { "ojs_number": "2019\/S 053-121419", "no_doc_ojs": "2019\/S 053-121419", "publication_date": "2019-03-15T10:00:00", "ted_links": {} }, "tedValidationErrors": [], "noticeOjsNumber": "2019\/S 053-121419", "procedureInformation": { "procedureType": 1, "acceleratedProcedure": false, "justificationForAcceleratedProcedure": [], "contestType": 0, "frameworkAgreement": { "includesFrameworkAgreement": false, "includesConclusionOfFrameworkAgreement": false, "frameworkAgreementType": 0, "frameworkEnvisagedType": 0, "includesDynamicPurchasingSystem": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemInvolvesAdditionalPurchasers": false, "justificationForDurationOverFourYears": [], "dynamicPurchasingSystemWasTerminated": false, "estimatedTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "duration": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "reductionRecourseToReduceNumberOfSolutions": false, "reserveRightToAwardWithoutNegotiations": false, "electronicAuctionWillBeUsed": false, "procurementGovernedByGPA": true, "disagreeCriteriaForEvaluationOfProjectsPublish": false, "mainFeaturesAward": [], "validationState": 2 }, "tenderingInformation": { "tendersOrRequestsToParticipateDueDateTime": "2019-04-17T12:00:00", "languages": [ "EN" ], "tendersMustBeValidOption": 2, "tendersMustBeValidForMonths": 6, "tenderOpeningConditions": { "openingDateAndTime": "2019-04-17T13:00:00", "place": [ "The opening of the tenders is not a public event." ], "informationAboutAuthorisedPersons": [] }, "estimatedExecutionTimeFrame": { "type": 3, "canBeRenewed": false }, "validationState": 2 }, "attachments": [], "hasAttachments": false, "changes": [], "isCorrigendum": false, "isMigrated": true, "isCancelled": false, "cancelledReason": [], "isLatest": true, "language": "EN", "proceduresForReview": { "reviewBody": { "officialName": "The Market Court", "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "Radanrakentajantie 5", "postalCode": "00520", "town": "Helsinki", "country": "FI" }, "telephoneNumber": "+358 295643300", "email": "[email protected]", "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.oikeus.fi\/markkinaoikeus", "validationState": 0 }, "reviewProcedure": [], "validationState": 2 }, "attachmentInformation": { "description": [], "links": [], "validationState": 2 }, "contractAwardsDefence": [], "annexes": { "d1": { "noTenders": false, "procedureType": 0, "suppliesManufacturedForResearch": false, "providedByOnlyParticularOperator": false, "reasonForNoCompetition": 0, "extremeUrgency": false, "additionalDeliveries": false, "repetitionExisting": false, "designContestAward": false, "commodityMarket": false, "advantageousTerms": false, "advantageousPurchaseReason": 0 } }, "isPrivateSmallValueProcurement": false, "dateCreated": "2019-12-31T15:05:28.0990256", "dateModified": "2020-01-08T22:32:18.2507093" }