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In addition, five (5) pieces of 20 kV 63 MVA shunt reactors and two (2) pieces of 22,5 kV 20 MVA shunt reactors were asked as an option (Optional Delivery). The delivery of shunt reactors, including all needed transportation and erections, was to be performed as turnkey deliveries. The final tenders were given in April 2022 and the procurement decision was made in the beginning of May 2022.", "" ], "timeFrame": { "type": 3, "beginDate": "2022-08-01T00:00:00", "endDate": "2024-12-31T00:00:00", "canBeRenewed": false }, "justificationForDurationOverFourYears": [], "justificationForDurationOverEightYears": [], "totalValue": { "value": 1422051, "currency": "EUR" }, "awardedToGroupOfEconomicOperators": false, "contractors": [ { "officialName": "Coil Innovation GmbH", "nationalRegistrationNumber": "ATU64541758", "nutsCodes": [ "AT" ], "postalAddress": { "streetAddress": "Nikola Tesla Str. 1", "postalCode": "4070", "town": "Eferding", "country": "AT" }, "isSmallMediumEnterprise": false, "validationState": 0 } ], "description": [ "A material index formula will be applied to adjust the contract price of the optional shunt reactors. The amendment will not impact the main delivery of the Contract nor any other terms or conditions of the Contract.", "", "" ], "reason": 2, "reasonDescriptionEconomic": [], "reasonDescriptionCircumstances": [ "Due to the unexpected price changes in the raw materials as well as energy prices that has taken place after the conclusion of the Contract in early August, the Parties have decided to replace the LME index for primary aluminium with Destatis GP2442 (Aluminium and semi finished products) that better takes into account the changing costs in the whole supply chain.", "" ], "increaseBeforeModifications": { "value": 1422051, "currency": "EUR" }, "increaseAfterModifications": { "value": 1422051, "currency": "EUR" }, "validationState": 0 }, "contractAwardsDefence": [ { "numberOfTenders": { "disagreeTenderInformationToBePublished": false, "total": 0 }, "contractor": { "nutsCodes": [], "postalAddress": {}, "isSmallMediumEnterprise": false, "validationState": 0 }, "estimatedValue": {}, "contractValueType": 0, "finalTotalValue": {}, "lowestOffer": {}, "highestOffer": {}, "annualOrMonthlyValue": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false }, "likelyToBeSubcontracted": false, "valueOfSubcontract": {}, "valueOfSubcontractNotKnown": false, "subcontractingDescription": [], "allOrCertainSubcontractsWillBeAwarded": false, "shareOfContractWillBeSubcontracted": false, "validationState": 0 } ], "hilmaStatistics": { "energyEfficiencyConsidered": true, "lowCarbon": true, "circularEconomy": false, "biodiversity": false, "sustainableFoodProduction": false, "listedGreenCriteriaUsed": true, "justWorkingConditions": true, "employmentCondition": false, "codeOfConduct": true, "innovationConsidered": false, "solutionNewToBuyer": false, "solutionNewToMarketOrIndustry": false, "smeParticipationConsidered": false, "validationState": 0 }, "isPrivateSmallValueProcurement": false, "espdRequestReferences": [], "hilmaSubmissionDate": "2023-03-30T11:38:25.070657", "dateCreated": "2023-03-30T11:38:24.636085", "dateModified": "2023-04-04T07:00:20.578705" }