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The purpose of the tests is to acquire more detailed data compared to the current national production program (\"KALLIO\"). Tests include the flights and the products resulting from the flights. The airborne laser scanning test will be performed in one area (approximately 2 400 square kilometers) and the aerial imaging test will be performed in one are or two areas (approximately 2 700 - 3 000 square kilometers per area). Tests will be carried out in 2023. ", "", "NLS will publish two separate Call for Tenders approximately on 30th of March 2023:", "- Call for Tender of Airborne Laser Scanning Test", "- Call for Tender of Aerial Imaging Test. ", "", "", "", "", "" ], "estimatedValue": { "type": 0 }, "estimatedValueCalculationMethod": [], "mainCpvCode": { "code": "71350000", "name": "Engineering-related scientific and technical services", "vocCodes": [] }, "defence": { "nutsCodes": [], "frameworkAgreement": { "includesFrameworkAgreement": false, "includesConclusionOfFrameworkAgreement": false, "frameworkAgreementType": 0, "frameworkEnvisagedType": 0, "includesDynamicPurchasingSystem": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemInvolvesAdditionalPurchasers": false, "dynamicPurchasingSystemWasTerminated": false, "estimatedTotalValue": { "type": 0 }, "duration": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "subcontract": { "tendererHasToIndicateShare": false, "tendererHasToIndicateChange": false, "caMayOblige": false, "successfulTenderer": false, "successfulTendererToSpecify": false }, "optionsAndVariants": { "variantsWillBeAccepted": false, "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false, "options": false, "optionType": 0 }, "totalQuantityOrScope": { "type": 0 }, "renewals": { "canBeRenewed": false }, "timeFrame": { "type": 0, "canBeRenewed": false } }, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformation": { "professionalSuitabilityRequirements": [], "economicCriteriaToParticipate": false, "economicCriteriaDescription": [], "economicRequiredStandards": [], "technicalCriteriaToParticipate": false, "technicalCriteriaDescription": [], "technicalRequiredStandards": [], "rulesForParticipation": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshop": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgram": false, "reservedOrganisationServiceMission": false, "depositsRequired": [], "financingConditions": [], "legalFormTaken": [], "qualificationSystemConditions": [], "ciriteriaForTheSelectionOfParticipants": [], "executionOfServiceIsReservedForProfession": false, "referenceToRelevantLawRegulationOrProvision": [], "participationIsReservedForProfession": false, "indicateProfession": [], "contractPerformanceConditions": [], "obligationToIndicateNamesAndProfessionalQualifications": false, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformationDefence": { "depositsRequired": [], "financingConditions": [], "legalFormTaken": [], "otherParticularConditions": [], "personalSituationOfEconomicOperators": [], "personalSituationOfSubcontractors": [], "economicCriteriaOfEconomicOperators": [], "economicCriteriaOfEconomicOperatorsMinimum": [], "economicCriteriaOfSubcontractors": [], "economicCriteriaOfSubcontractorsMinimum": [], "technicalCriteriaOfEconomicOperators": [], "technicalCriteriaOfEconomicOperatorsMinimum": [], "technicalCriteriaOfSubcontractors": [], "technicalCriteriaOfSubcontractorsMinimum": [], "restrictedToShelteredWorkshops": false, "restrictedToShelteredProgrammes": false, "restrictedToParticularProfession": false, "restrictedToParticularProfessionLaw": [], "staffResponsibleForExecution": false, "validationState": 0 }, "conditionsInformationNational": { "participantSuitabilityCriteria": [], "requiredCertifications": [], "additionalInformation": [], "validationState": 0, "reservedForShelteredWorkshopOrProgram": false }, "complementaryInformation": { "isRecurringProcurement": false, "estimatedTimingForFurtherNoticePublish": [], "electronicOrderingUsed": false, "electronicInvoicingUsed": false, "electronicPaymentUsed": false, "additionalInformation": [ "GENERAL", "", "Please note that this is a Prior Information Notice (hereafter \"notice\") and that this notice is not a call for tenders. ", "", "The information provided in this notice is preliminary and is subject to change during preparation.", "", "Hansel Oy works in a consultative role in this procurement.", "", "REGISTRATION", "", "Companies interested in airborne laser scanning test and\/or aerial imaging test are requested to provide their contact information by e-mail to [email protected]. Please use the headline \"NLS: Airborne Laser Scanning and Aerial Imaging Tests\". ", "", "The personal data of the interested companies will only be used in connection with the upcoming procurements. Personal data will only be stored during the preparation of the procurements and during the tender competitions.", "", "MARKET DIALOGUE", "", "The intention of National Land Survey of Finland is to send draft versions of the two separate Call for Tenders (Airborne Laser Scanning Test and Aerial Imaging Test) and their annexes to interested tenderers in 13.-17.3.2023. Interested tenderers are given the opportunity to comment on the draft material in writing. 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