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This document specifies the minimum requirements for the device combination specified above. The equipment to be procured will be mainly used for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air. ", "", "The equipment offered must be suitable for routine indoor air and material emission analytics in accordance with the standards ISO 16000-6 and ISO EN 16017-2. In addition, the device must be suitable for demanding non-target analytics using high mass resolution. The call for tenders applies to TD-GC\/HR-MSD equipment with electron ionization and ion detection based on high resolution mass spectrometry. The equipment must be equipped with a high-efficiency (primary) vacuum pump. ", "", "For more information, please see appendix 1 Description of the subject of procurement.", "", "Resource subcontractors and consortium:", "If the bidder uses the resources of a subcontractor to fulfil the suitability requirements set out for bidders, these subcontractors (\u201cresource subcontractors\u201d) must be reported in part II, section C of the ESPD form. In addition, a separate ESPD form for each resource subcontractor must be filled in. ", "", "If the bid is submitted by a consortium, the information of each member of the consortium must be reported in part II, section A of the ESPD form. In addition, a separate ESPD form for each member of the consortium must be filled in. At the time of signing the contract, the consortium must be able to indicate a single organization that will handle all communications with the client. 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